Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Mother's Intuition

I can't believe it...I actually have mother's intuition. Well it did take me a couple of days to really figure out why my baby wasn't sleeping well at night. He may have been going through a growth spurt b/c he isn't turning down the extra calories, but the real problem was his ear. Owen and I took him to the pediatrician's office last night and the doctor said "yes, this would cause anyone to loose sleep". Our sweet Andrew had an ear infection. The moment we put the drops in his ear and I fed him he went to sleep. I put him in his crib at 10:00 and he slept until 6:30. Actually I woke him up at 6:30 am. What I learned is our little man is not a complainer. He did not "act" sick or hurt during the day. It was just at night when he could not settle himself down.

While at the doctor's they weighed him and Andrew is 14 lbs and 13 oz.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Hang in there! You have such a great attitude. ou're doing great--focusing on the big things, the things that keeping Christ at the center of your family!

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