Monday, March 8, 2010

I got a crown and not one that makes me a queen

Today was my first dentist visit of two to get a crown for one my molars. Yes, I am in the age bracket to get a crown (as explained by the dentist office). I put this visit in the back of my mind b/c I really didn't want to go. But I went and I was nervous. I haven't had anything done to my teeth since I was a child. I completely forgot what a cavity filling felt like. Well...this procedure was more intense that I could have imagined. The dentist numbed my mouth and then went to drilling. The smell of the burnt tooth was terrible. I saw my old filling fly off as hit my glasses. This was actually a torturous visit. I now have my temporary crown until I get my new on April 6th. So Happy Monday to me... :) Good news is...that tooth won't hurt anymore.

1 comment:

The Hookers said...

Ha! I'm so glad someone else is going through this. I had a wisdom tooth pulled two weeks ago b/c it got a terrible cavity while I was preggers. (and I haven't been to the dentist in 6 years) I go back tomorrow for a cavity to be fixed. So sorry that you are having to suffer at the dentist but glad to know someone else is having these same fun visits!

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