Monday, March 8, 2010

More Please

This weekend we discovered Andrew is hungry! I think we are in the middle of a growth spurt. I read in my "What to expect during the first year" book that babies 3-7 months need 6-8 ounces of formula/breast milk. So we are bumping up the calories for Andrew. The reason we discovered this new need of Andrew's is because he didn't sleep through the night this weekend. He woke up starving at 12 midnight and again at 3 am. This is unusual. Getting up once a night to feed him is doable, but twice is hard. I am a zombie during those feedings and am so tired the next day. Hopefully with the increase in calories he will be satisfied enough to last the night.


Shannon said...

Gotta love those growth spurts!!! Glad your little man is growing though, even if it makes for a tired mommy. :) I kind of forgot about growth spurts and nursing/bottle feeding. Once this baby gets here I'm in for a change with night feedings again!

The Campbells said...

I tried bumping Caroline up to 5 oz at a feeding and she just wasn't finishing the bottle all the time. She was only waking up once a night but has been twice a night for the past few days. I hate wasting formula bc it's so expensive!

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