Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Father's Day 2012 was MUCH better than Mother's Day 2012. Why is that? For mother's day I was at the pediatrician's office so worried that Sam was really sick. For Father's day we are laughing and enjoying both our dads and Owen. Don't get me wrong I am SO VERY HAPPY that the weekend was healthy and fun.

My parents came to town on Saturday. We had lunch and shopped a little with them. Then we came home and relaxed. They stayed with the boys that night while Owen and I went out to dinner for our 5th anniversary. We had a great time and went to our favorite special occasion restaurant.

Sunday we woke up lazy and had a relaxing breakfast and then went to church. We met up with Mick, Aha and Aunt Abby for lunch at the Country Club. It was so good. Both boys were so well behaved.

After our long leisurely lunch we went to Sam's and Target. Andrew has gone to the potty 5 times at school sohe was able to pick out a toy at Target. He picked out Mack the 18 wheeler truck from the Cars movie that had 4 small racing cars with it. Andrew played with that truck for 2 hours. He was so happy and content with it. Definitely a good prize for being such a big boy.

I think Owen had a good weekend. I had Andrew pick out his present for his daddy. I asked him all week what he wanted to get his daddy. He would say fire truck over and over. I was going to let this unfold because I thought it was funny and I really Andrew to be involved in picking something out for Owen. We went to target and looked at the cards. He picked out all the cards for his dad, granddad and Mick. Then we went to the toy section. Andrew could not find the fire truck he wanted so we had level 4 melt down. He did not pick out a truck. Then we went to the dog section to pick out a present for Ralphie to give to Owen - I was running with this theme of picking out something that the child would really like. Ralphie got Owen a squirrel with a squeaker - Ralphie thought it was the BEST gift ever and immediately wanted to play with it. Oh this is so funny in my head. After we get Ralphie's gift for Owen I needed some baby food for Sam. Sippy cups are also in this aisle. Andrew saw a cars cup that he HAD TO HAVE. I asked him if this is was what he wanted to get his daddy. Andrew's answer was YES! So that is what Owen got. The best part is when Owen opened his cars cups (there were 2 of them); Andrew asked me to wash them immediately and insisted that Owen drink out of one with him. It was so funny and made the whole plan work!

PS: Sam let me pick out Owen's gift so he also got a work shirt and a weekend shirt :)

It really was a great day and weekend.

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