Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It was beyond great

This past weekend Andrew and I went to Destin with three of my college girlfriends and their babies. All of our babies are around the same age so we wanted to get them together so they can start building relationships with each other. Of course bonding time between all of us was also on the agenda.

I can't put into words how great this weekend was for me. It was too short. It was relaxing. I got to really get to know what my friends have been up to. These are friends that are like sisters. We don't talk to each other every day or even once a month. We keep up through email and facebook but we we were so close in college. In fact most of my college memories has one of these girls if not all of them in it! They have seen me in my worst, my best and in between. So getting away for a weekend and being able to really be myself was a blessing for me.

Since we are all mommies now it was fun to see each of us parent - and you know what we are pretty good at it! I learned a positive parenting lesson from each of them and look forward to many more Destin weekends with these women and their precious children (plus a few more kids) :)

Charlie, Caroline and Lila are Andrew's new are some of my favorite pictures of them.


Telena said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the pictures! I bet the kids had just as much as the mommies!! :) Glad y'all had fun!
Love you!

The Campbells said...

Your post made me tear up! I had such a fantastic weekend and was so glad we actually made it happen! I miss y'all already and am counting down the days til next year!

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