Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I had to go to the dentist yesterday so they could fill in a small cavity. I have never felt so much pain. I had a reaction to the anesthesia that numbed my gum. I felt light headed and shaky. I still don't feel normal and my gum hurts so badly. I had to take a big ibuprofen that I had left over after having Andrew b/c the pain was so fierce. I just did not anticipate hurting this badly. I don't remember this pain from when I was a child and had to get a filling. I haven't had a cavity since I was 10 years old. Honestly, I can't remember how long ago it was. But this is for the birds. I hope I don't have another cavity - ever. I can't take the pain.

Well...I just needed to get that off my chest b/c all I can think about today is my gum throbbing. Oh and the pain is definitely giving me a headache. What a terrible way to start the week.

Love Erin

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