Thursday, September 23, 2010

Growth Spurt = Tired Momma

Andrew is going through a growth spurt this week. He has woken up between 10:40 and 11:40 pm since Sunday. His diaper is drenched and so is his bed (not sure why this is any different, trying to figure that out) but he is also starving. He has been having a night time meal this week. Sunday night was a bad night b/c I didn't really understand why he was awake since he is usually a great sleeper. Now that I have figured out he is hungry, we can all go back to sleep pretty quickly. Well as quickly as you can when you have to change a diaper, pj's, sheets, and make a bottle and then drink the bottle. This new routine has me very tired. I did a little internet reading about growth spurts and I learned they should only last a couple of days maybe a week. So hopefully this will pass soon. I love that he is growing so I don't really want to complain. I am just a very tired momma this week.

Love Erin

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