Friday, May 21, 2010

It is good to know people

I could not figure out to wear today. I normally wear lounge/yoga outfits but today I was having lunch with my mom and aunt. So it took me a little longer to get dressed. Don't get me wrong...I didn't really "dress up", I just didn't wear yoga pants today. Owen commented on how he has seen me in 3 different outfits with in a matter of minutes. I explained to him I was actually seeing people today so wanted to look a little more put together. He told me that I was probably going to see more people than I expected. This comment confused me and when I asked him for more detail, he refused.

Fast forward to 2 pm...Owen calls me and tells me to make sure I don't leave work early. He said someone was coming to see me. I again..asked WHO??? I was thinking it was a college girlfriend who happened to be going through Hattiesburg (P.S. not sure who that would have been, but it was my only thought). Owen told me to call the ladies upstairs at work to tell them I am expecting someone. So I did. Ten minutes later I get a phone call that someone is here to see me. I told them to send her down. I waited by the stairs (we have a maize of a building so I meet everyone at the stairs so they know where to find us). When the lady came around the corner my thought was...I have no idea who this person is...then I saw her bag. She was from the restaurant we ate at yesterday for my birthday and she brought me a brownie ala mode dessert. I couldn't believe it.

Owen knows the owner of the restaurant and he sent him a light-hearted email about our lunch experience. Apparently the owner called Owen last night and the owner said he wanted to make it up to me. Of course Owen told him that was unnecessary b/c by the end of the day it was a fun story and honestly I wasn't that upset anymore. However, the owner insisted and I finally got my birthday brownie.

So I just finished my brownie and it was everything I wanted it to be and more! It is good to have friends and fun to have birthday celebrations.

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