Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5 months!

Andrew is 5 months old. Here are some pictures of our little man growing up way too fast. My mom made his shirt. I wanted to make sure I got a picture of him it before he out grew it. His clothes are not lasting very long. He gets a good couple of wears until the length is too short. He may have long legs like his momma :)

Some fun Andrew facts for this months are:

* He has his 2nd ear infection. This is #2 in 3 months. I am seeing ear tubes in our near future. He is such a little trooper when he is sick. We had another rough night on Monday night with him only being able to sleep with me holding him. I love being there to comfort him and it breaks my heart when he doesn't feel well.
* He is getting so strong. He can sit up with us supporting him a little. I will hold his hands and he balances himself.
* When he is on his tummy, he has the motions of crawling and gets so frustrated when he doesn't move himself
* He likes sleeping on his stomach. In fact, I think the days of sleeping on his back are over.
* He likes to wake up slowly but does it with a smile
* We gave him juice the other day and he liked it much better than he did when we first gave it to him. He didn't drink much of it, but definitely seemed interested.
* He got a high chair over the weekend
* His voice fluctuates now with quiet sounds to really loud sounds
* He has noticed Ralphie and laughs at him. It is great. Ralphie can just walk passed him and Andrew laughs
* He is starting to understand different textures so books with things he can feel are enjoyable now
* He is reaching and grabbing toys. We think he will reach for us when we pick him in the near future
* He typically sleeps 10 hours a night and has two good naps during the day
* He eats 8 ounces of breast milk/formula about 6 times a day
* He is currently 17 pounds

Here is our 17 lb baby with his "I'm bringing chubby back" shirt. :) He makes me smile every day.

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