Monday, July 23, 2012

What's been going on this week

I feel like we have been super busy but with nothing in particular to write about. Owen's birthday was this past weekend. He has been extremely busy at work because one of the employees quit and they haven't replaced her yet. So Owen has been doing two jobs just to stay afloat. It has been hard on him. We managed to get away for his birthday to the movies and that was a fun night out. We had lunch with his parents on Sunday.

Andrew has been a mess lately. He is saying "no" more to us and is meaning it. I am having to teach myself again not to ask him yes or no questions. However even when I tell him to do something he tells me no. Andrew has been going into time out more lately because of this.

A funny Andrew story from this morning. We wake up around 5:45 am - Owen goes to the computer to do some work and I get in the shower. Andrew also wakes up around this time and comes out to play or to see what we are doing. Today Andrew kept asking Owen if he was finished. Owen said no but asked what he needed. Andrew told Owen that Ralphie needed to go outside - so the two of them let Ralphie out. Then a minute later Andrew told Owen he needed to let Ralphie back in. After realizing that Owen would not be playing with him, he went into Sam's room. He turned on the lights and woke Sam up. Sam has become very vocal about being hungry and he goes from peaceful to loud in a matter of seconds. And this happened when Andrew woke him up. Owen said that Andrew came out of Sam's room with a look on his face that said "oops...maybe I messed up with waking him up".

I took both boys to Mommy and Me today. I feel like Andrew is getting tired of the same ole routine every day so I wanted to change it up for him too. He was super excited about going to Mommy and Me. We had several talks about it being Sam's class. And he did understand. He was such a joy to be around today. He was so good at my office and he was good with Sam. I thought I was going to regret taking him but it all worked out.

I tried to get a picture of the two them...but the two of them did not cooperate with me.

This weekend is Sam's baptism. I have been looking forward to it for months. I can't believe he will be 7 months this week and getting baptized. Life is flying by and I hope I am soaking it all in.

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