Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sam's Baptism

Sam had his baptism this past Saturday. It was a perfect day. It was filled with love from our family and friends. I wanted Sam to feel special. I know he is so young and won't remember it but I wanted it to be a day that I could tell him about. And it was just that. In fact it so so fun filled and memorable that I felt like I was running around the whole day. I may still be exhausted. We had Owen's side of the family there, my side of the family and some close friends. I don't think I finished one conversation b/c my eyes were constantly looking for Andrew to make sure he was happy, to find Sam to make sure his needs were being met and to make sure everyone had enough food and/or drinks.

The ceremony was perfect. Adam (Fr. Rust) did such a great job. Andrew was a little cranky so he had too much of my attention. I think the baptism came and went and I didn't breath once. Sam was great. My good friend Melanie and her husband Eric are the god parents. Melanie held Sam the whole time and she did great. Sam cried when Fr. Rust poured water on him but other than that was a trooper.

We were able to take family pictures...

Owen's side of the family

My side of the family

The godparents

This is a time when I wish I was better at writing b/c my heart is full of so much but I can't put it in words. I loved having our families there and loved Adam being a big part of the day. I tried to treasure every moment but was busy with the hustle and bustle - HOWEVER it was hustle and bustle I wanted and therefore it was perfect.

My heart is full of love and blessings. Life is hard and time is hard to come by but this Saturday we focused on family and our little man. He is our baby and I want him to always know he is special and loved not only in our eyes but in God's eyes. I pray Owen and I are good examples to him and I pray that we teach him right from wrong and to love and not hate. This is a scary time in our world. There is so much negativity and sometimes I don't even know what to believe or think but as a mom - I am trying really hard to love and to not be scared of the future of our country and our world. I have two babies growing up in it - it has to be a good place and I am trusting in God more than ever!

But aside from all of that - I am happy Sam is baptized in the Catholic Church. I am happy and thankful he is ours. We have so many more special days in our future. Life is definitely good!

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