Friday, July 13, 2012

Sam's 6 month well baby doctor visit

Sam went for his 6 month well baby check up last week. I had been anticipating this visit because Sam had not been feeling well. His stomach seemed very sensitive and he would spit up his whole bottle - even if I nursed him he would spit up. So I was worried to say the least.

I wish I could report that he was 100% healthy but that is not the case. My poor baby had an ear infection in each ear, thrush in his mouth and diaper rash :( But what a little trooper - he didn't "act" sick except for spitting up. He never ran a fever and slept fairly well at night.

His nose has cleared up (even though I can tell he has drainage in his sinuses) but the thrush is taking longer to clear up than I would have thought.

Here are his stats from the visit

weight - 18lbs (54%)
height - 27 1/2 inches (78%)
head circumference - 45.7 cm (95%)

So he is a healthy boy and growing like he should be.

Sam is doing a couple of new things so I wanted to make sure I typed them in order to remember them always.

* He does not like eating food. I thought this would be such a fun thing but he cries and shows no interest at all. Maybe he will go straight to people food and skip baby food.

* He slept on his tummy all night last night - first time ever!!!

* He is great at reaching for toys and puts them straight into this mouth

* He loves watching Andrew - it is like he is studying him to learn how to be a big kid.

* He cuddles and likes to cuddle up with a stuffed animal or blanket when he sleeps. In fact he sleeps with a shark at the moment. Owen thinks this is hilarious but it is the perfect size for Sam. There is nothing that can choke him on the shark and it is soft. Therefore my 6 month old sleeps with a shark :)

* He sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the 1st time last weekend. He didn't really like it b/c he couldn't rest his back on anything b/c he was still too small.

* Sam is no longer nursing. It was so bitter sweet for me and almost a little too cold turkey for me. But he seems to be good now and I can really tell how much he is eating during the day so that helps us with bed time. He has been sleeping really well at night since I stopped nursing him. :( still sad because he is my baby. In fact everything that Sam outgrows is sad to me in a sentimental way b/c he is the baby and I don't foresee another child in our home so again all of these mile stones are bitter sweet.

And here is one more picture of my sweet Samuel at 6 months old.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

He is such a joy!

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