Tuesday, March 29, 2011

7 away

This past weekend Owen and I attended our church's Spring Fling. All of the money raised went to the church's school. We have gone several years and always have a good time. There is a silent auction, good food and we get to visit with friends we don't see often enough. Owen and I always seem to leave with a good story and this is our story this year:

I am not good at silent auctions. In fact I put silent auctions in the category of Ebay - I really shouldn't go or attempt them. I get too competitive and end up "really needing" the item I am bidding on. This year my item of choice was a watch, a trendy one. I put my bid down...and didn't think about it for a while. When the auction was about to end I got serious and ended up winning my trendy watch...do you like???

We did not just have silent auction excitement...we had draw down excitement too. There were over 300 tickets sold for the spring fling and the last 5 numbers drawn won monetary prizes. Our ticket was the 7th from last one drawn. I thought Owen was going to have a heart attack from excitement. He thought we were going to win. We probably would have but when it reached top 10 they started taking bids from the crowd to add tickets so there were more numbers to choose from.

We may not have won the big money...but it was a fun night out!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Cute watch!! I didn't win anything ;(

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