Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hard day at "school"

When I picked Andrew up from school yesterday this is what he was wearing...

Yep...hard day at school. He went through his first shirt, so he has on his "change of clothes" shirt. Then he spilled water all down his pants so they took his pants off and I didn't have an extra pair of pants for him...rough day! He is also not too happy in this picture b/c his legs were stuck in between sticks! Being the good mom I am...I decided to get a picture instead of helping him right away...:) But now I am glad I have documentation of a funny afternoon.

Andrew is getting so tall...he can now reach for the door knobs...Our life is changing right before our eyes. Yesterday when we were leaving in the morning, Andrew was in our bedroom. I called for him to come into the kitchen. Owen looked at me and said, "did you ever think we would be calling him to walk into the kitchen by himself?", I never thought about it - but in reality things are changing too fast.


Telena said...

Just wait! I had to put a childproof thing on the pantry because Reese would go in and sneak snacks!!! :) But when I want her to open the door, like to let Harley in, she says, "I can't Mommy, I'm busy." You are embarking on a very, very fun stage filled with funnies every day! :)

Claire said...

Ah, yes. The door handle thing was a huge adjustment for us, too! They are changing into little boys right before our eyes!

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