Tuesday, March 22, 2011

He knows me too well

This story has made me laugh several times for the past two days so I thought I would write it down so I can remember it. But it is a lengthy story...

A week ago I put on my diamond earrings that Owen got me for our wedding. I wear them every day. He called me one day last week to tell me he found the back of the earring on our bed and to check my earrings. Sure enough I was missing the back of one of the earrings so I took both of them off and put them in my coin section of my wallet. When I went to get them out I could only find one earring. I am devastated beyond belief. I still haven't found it.

This Sunday I was wearing some pearl earrings that Owen got me for Valentines Day this year. While I was wearing them Andrew ripped one off my ear so I took both off and put them in pants pocket. This is my last memory of the event.

I washed clothes Sunday night. Monday I went to get earrings out of my drawer and couldn't find them. I thought I washed them. I looked in the pants pocket (I already washed and put up pants) but they were not in there. I hurried out of the bedroom to look in the washing machine - no luck. When I returned to the bedroom to finish getting ready, Andrew and Owen were in there also getting ready for the day. I decided I would keep the fact that I think I washed my earrings a secret b/c I really didn't want to have the conversation of how I have lost two pairs of sentimental earrings in less than a weeks time.

Apparently I looked miserable b/c this was our conversation:
O: "Is everything ok?"
E: mumbling "no-yes" version of an answer.
O: "What is wrong, do I need to take you to the hospital?"
E: "WHAT??? No, nothing that serious, I think I washed my earrings".
O: "What earrings?"
E: "The ones I was wearing yesterday" (I would not actually say which ones)
O: "Oh you mean the ones that are on the mantle?"
E: "um...yes...those would be the ones. I forgot I put them there"

This may not be funny to anyone else...but I have laughed several times at Owen asking me "do I need to take you to the hospital" b/c where in the world did that question come from???


The Campbells said...

That's too funny! Why would he ask that?? :-)

Granny Debbie said...

Who can interpret the inscrutable ways of men?
Aren't we glad they are part of our lives?

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