Thursday, July 15, 2010

How easy it is to forget

Oh how easily I have forgotten what waking up in the middle of night does to me. We have been so blessed that Andrew has slept through the night most his 7 1/2 months of life. We have had some struggles with getting to sleep, but we are over those now. I also realize that my new wake up time (even on weekends) is between 6 and 6:30 am. I am actually alright with that. But this week has not been one of those blissful nights of full sleep. Nope...we are teething, yet again. I don't see a tooth but his gums are changing colors and he has been waking up twice during the night. Once between 8 and 9 pm and then again between 2 and 3 am. I have also learned that this is not a situation where I can let my poor little baby cry it out b/c he is actually hurting. He screams in agony and chews whatever he can get his mouth around. So I sit with him, rock him, hum and sing our favorite three songs (b/c those are the only songs I know). Then an hour later I have a sleeping baby. I just wish the tooth would come in already so we can go back to peaceful nights. However, with that said there is something to cherish about waking up with Andrew during the night. He grabs onto my shoulders and gives me the best hug when I pick him up out of his crib. He cuddles up with me in the chair and it really is a sweet moment (even though I know he doesn't feel well).

Any teething tricks out there? I have a cold teething ring and I give him a little Tylenol but other than that...I don't know what else to do?

1 comment:

Telena said...

Poor baby! We didn't have the middle of the night issues with Reese and teething. I'm sorry! :(
I did wet a washcloth and put in the refrigerator (to make it extra cold) and gave it to her to chew on. It lasted longer and was a bit softer than a teething ring. Crystal also told me once to freeze a bagel and let them "naw" on it for a while. That was super messy for us and she just fed the dog!! :)
I would do Tylenol during the day if she was fussy and then Motrin at night. Motrin lasts longer than Tylenol. I think that helped Reese sleep easier.
Good Luck!!

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