Monday, April 2, 2012

Sam's 1st day at daycare

Last Tuesday (March 27, 2012) was Sam's first day at M&M Learning Factory. He did amazingly well. Mommy and Andrew on the other hand did not handle the day well at all. I cried on and off all day. I am not even sure what emotions I was having. I think it was a little seperation anxiety, my time management skills failed me all day that day, and I was just sad.

I thought I was going back to work on March 28th but that got pushed back until April 9th. What a blessing that has been! So for a week and half I get to practice morning routines and get used to sending two babies to school. I am not ready to start back but am ready to get our life back on a routine.

Sam did so well. The teachers loved on him and he took his bottles well. When I picked him up he was sound asleep in a swing.

Andrew did not understand me dropping Sam off. I think that transition hit him harder than I realized it would. But he is getting better and better with every drop off and pick up.

There are two Sam's in Sam's class. Who would have thought??? His teachers are Ms. Debbie, Ms. Patsy and Ms. Angela.

I am glad this day has come and gone! It was one of high anxiety but luckily we all lived through it.

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