Monday, April 2, 2012

Sam at 3 months

Sam is 3 months old! That is so hard to believe! He is the most precious baby. So peaceful and content. I love him more and more as each minute passes. Some of the things he is doing now are:
* Perfecting his smile. He has got this one down. He smiles alot and coos. He "talks" to us and shows such happy emotions when you interact with him.
* Sam is a content baby. He loves to be held but will also be happy in his chair or on his back on the floor. We have a tummy time mat that has fun things for him to look at when he is on his back. He loves looking at himself in mirrors.
* He still eats every 2 hours and will fall asleep 30 minutes before he is ready to eat.
* He likes to suck on a pacifer before falling asleep.
* He watches everyone and everthing. We can tell his eyes are focusing better. He will watch you leave the room or turn around to see what a sound is.
* We got out the bumbo and exersaucer a couple of weeks ago. He likes the bumbo. He maybe a little young for the exersaucer but still enjoys it for short periods of time.
* He is taking a bottle better. The ladies at daycare said they had no problems feeding him. I am so happy about this because I was really worried.

Here is Sam in the exersaucer...

* So far he is a great sleeper. He has been going to bed between 8 and 9 and then waking up at 5 am or so and then sleeping until 7 am. Last night I put him down at 6:30 after putting Andrew to sleep and then fed Sam at 10 pm and again at 5:30 am. He still went back to sleep until 7 am. He still likes to be swaddled which is great but he is out growing his swaddle blankets. I tried to see if I could find a bigger size, but am not having any luck.

* He likes to hold your hand or grab onto your shirt while you hold him. He is a snuggly baby.

We can't wait to see what this next month brings with our baby boy.

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