Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Andrew's Bed Time Last Night

Andrew has been going to bed a little later - around 7 pm. We have noticed that when I leave the room it takes him 30 minutes to an hour to wind down. However some nights he gets out of bed and plays. He likes to take everything off his bed and some times rearranges the same set up on the floor. He reads, plays with his cars, puzzles, etc...We actually rarely notice because he is quiet. Then all of a sudden we will hear a cow moo or banging of drums. Then we go in and check on him. His lamp is on and he looks us at with such a guilty face. Then we get him back in bed and he falls asleep. At first I thought he needed to stay up later but when I tried that he was extra grumpy. Just because he is going to bed later doesn't mean he wakes up any later. Andrew is up and playing at 5:30 am. This brings me to last night. He seemed really tired and it was a routine bed time. Same songs, same procrastination and then the final "I love you and good night". I thought he went to sleep pretty easily until I turned on the monitor at 10 pm before Owen and I went to sleep. On the monitor I noticed nothing was in his bed and his lamp was on. So Owen and I went in to find all of his pants out of his drawer (with the drawer closed), all of his books on the floor, all of the pillows, blankets, and animals on the floor and Andrew sleeping on his stomach cuddling with Carl the Construction worker puppet. Carl has to be the most uncomfortable toy to choose. He has a hard hat and a sticks for his arm. I can only imagine what happened for Andrew to pass out in mid play with Carl. So after Owen and I giggled a little we put everything back on his bed and tucked our sweet boy in for the night. It continues...this morning Andrew wakes up bright and early at 5:30 am and begins to play. We don't go in there until 6:30 after I get dressed. In the living room I hear Andrew's door open (he has not been able to open the door so this is shocking to me). Then it closes...almost like he is checking to see if anyone is awake. When I open the door he says "I opened door", "I poo poo" and "I play"...So much going on for a Tuesday morning :)

1 comment:

The Campbells said...

lol--this post made me laugh! I wonder what time he gave up and crashed on his puppet. :-) I have a feeling Caroline would do the same thing if she wasn't still in her crib. And bless your heart for having such an early riser...I don't know how you do it!

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