Friday, April 27, 2012

Sam is 4 Months Old

My baby is 4 months old. He is still my baby in every way possible. He likes his pacifier before bed time and in the car. He grabs onto you tighly and doesn't like to let go. This warms my heart. He gives the best smiles and talks to us. If I had to make a prediction Sam is going to be a talker and a social butterfly. He will sit in anyone's lap and coo and laugh at them. He truly engages your interest.

He likes the exersaucer but will get fussy when he is tired of it.

He is starting to smile when I see him or come and get him from school - again this warms my heart.

He is still nursing and getting breast milk in his bottles. He is starting to go 2 1/2 and 3 hours between meals. At home he eats a little more frequently but at school they feed him every 3 hours. He is better with the bottle but still seems to be a struggle for him. He eats 6 ounces in his bottles at school.

Sam got his 1st ear infection this week. Yep...three weeks into daycare and he has an ear infection :( However I didn't even really know he felt bad. He woke up alot one night and I thought that was strange. When he did it the 2nd night I knew something was off. And sure enough his left ear was badly infected. He is on an antibiotic now and does not take medicine very well. He doesn't swallow it very well so most of it comes back out.

Bed time is a dream with Sam. He takes a bath with Andrew and then we get two dressed in their pjs. Andrew and Daddy start dinner and Sam and I nurse and rock. He goes to sleep so easily. I love watching his eyes close and hear his breathing calm down. It is one of the most peaceful things in the world to me. I had been swaddling him. Then I started swaddling him with one arm out b/c he was doing that on his own anyway.

Two weeks ago I decided to see if he even needed to be swaddled and so far so good. He has more finger nail markings on his face but isn't waking up from startling himself. I love this baby so much. I wondered how my love would grow but that was such a silly worry in hindsight.

Here are some pictures of my baby this month

Sam playing with his exersaucer

Tummy time - I do think this was two different days. I love patty gowns so I put him in it a lot

Look at Sam's legs...he is outgrowing all of his cloths. This is a 3-6 month outfit and it looked like he was wearing capri pants.

He has his 4 month check up on Monday.


The Campbells said...

sweet baby! i just love that little face!

Anonymous said...

He looks so much like Andrew to me! I can't believe he's 4 months already! Love the picture of him sleeping, so sweet!

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