Thursday, August 12, 2010


2458 that is how many people commented on the blog I read "Enjoying the Small Things". I can't imaging reading that many comments. I also can't imagine being as cleaver, creative and articulate as Kelle Hampton. I do enjoy her blog. I even commented today b/c she was giving away $75 towards jewelry. I felt compelled to comment but then I realized how many other people felt compelled to comment and I became overwhelmed. It isn't even my blog. I still can't imagine having that many people read my blog. Or better yet, I can't imagine coming up with ideas, topics, and stories that thousands of people would want to read. I guess that is why I have our family blog as a private website. I know people who read what is happening in our life are close friends and family. There is something sweet about that thought as well.

Love Erin

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