Friday, August 21, 2009

Sleeping is not the same anymore

I have hit that stage of pregnancy where I can not find the most comfortable position to sleep in. Luckily I am a side sleeper, but lately that isn't even comfortable. To make matters worse I have developed a snoring habit. Yep...that is right, I am a snorer. According to Owen a very loud one. So loud he had to sleep on the couch twice this week b/c I would not stop. Last night I took action steps to control the snoring. I doubled up on my pillows and I even wore an extra strength breath right strip. Again...I am that person! What an attractive sight. I didn't snore last night, but my neck hurts from the pillows.

I did some internet searching to see if there were any other home remedies I could do to stop the snoring and what I read over and over again is how snoring is linked to gestational diabetes. It is that symptom again...the one I am terrified about. The symptom I have to get tested for in 4 weeks. I told Owen this and doesn't seem to think that is my problem. He thinks I am having sinus problems. I hope he is right.

I am convinced now that I need a snoogle pillow. I am hoping to get one this weekend. They are so expensive, but I have been reading the reviews and so many people love them and say they are worth every penny. I just want a good night's sleep without snoring. Is that too much to ask?


melanie said...

A snoogle is the best INVESTMENT!!!! I still use mine when I breast feed -- trust me YOU NEED IT!

The Campbells said...

I had my test today and barely made it under where it had to be! I was 136 and you have to do the 3 hour test if you are 139 or above! So glad about that--especially since I didn't know I was doing it today!! But my iron was low (8.5 when it's supposed to be 12 to 15), so now I have to take iron supplements. Good luck with the sleeping thing. I discovered this week that I sleep better on a harder mattress...and probably also without a hubby and animals to wake me up! :-)

Telena said...

I snored too--so bad that Grant, too, had to go to the couch on different occasions! I did not have gestational diabetes though, so hopefully that will put your mind at ease a little. I wish I could say sleeping gets easier, but unfortunately, it doesn't. I would buy whatever you think will work and try it--you need sleep! :)

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