Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How things change in a year

A year ago today I was finishing recruitment at Southern Miss. I remember feeling pretty good about the week on this day last year. I also remember being so happy it was over. This whole week I kept thinking if I was in Greek Life I would be doing this or that. One thing is for sure I would be working 20 hour days with no sleep. When people ask me if I miss it - I have to say yes, but then no. I miss the women and being so involved in something that you love. Being involved in social clubs/sororities was a major part of my life. I was very active my undergraduate years of college (4) and then in graduate school (2) and then a professional (4). So for 10 years the sorority type of life was a major part of me. Being a Greek Advisor was my identity for a while. I was what I did. Now a year later my life is completely different. I think it is different for the better. I am about to a mommy - the most wonderful job in the world. Being a mommy is something I have dreamed about since I played with dolls as a young girl. So even though my job isn't what defines me anymore and my job is nothing what I went to school for, I am glad I have it. I am glad my life has taken this turn. I am a happier person with out the drama and stress of sorority life. I do miss it but I also appreciate my quality time with my husband and being able to prepare for Andrew. Speaking of Andrew...he is making me very emotional these days. It has been a pretty low key pregnancy but lately the emotional roller coaster I have been on has been a fierce one. I think that has to be the reason for my nostalgia of looking back at my sorority life days. Who knows...but as I reflect on the last year and the decisions I have made and where my life is I can say I am 100% happy and content with life.

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