Monday, August 10, 2009

Amazing Item

I have discovered an amazing item - the belly band or better yet the Be Band from Target! I bought this on a whim while I as looking for maternity shirts and just tried it out on Saturday. I pulled some khaki capris from my "not wearing at the moment" part of my closet. Tried to button them (I was able to zip them up and thought that was a successful moment) but they did not button. So I opened up my be band and off I went wearing my to small around the waist pants but loving every minute of it. I now have more options for daily outfits and could not be happier about it. I think the most amazing thing is this product actually worked and I was comfortable all day. Amazing!

1 comment:

The Campbells said...

I'm jealous! My butt has gotten too big to wear any normal pants! I really need to get some more stuff to wear this week since I have to start wearing real clothes, and not scrubs, in about a week...

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