Monday, January 10, 2011

At work with mommy

Mommy and me started today. Oh how I have missed this class. Andrew moved up to the Just Movin' class today. This is a higher impact class (more exercise for mommy - not a bad thing). Andrew did great. He went off on his own, played with the class and would come and check on me every now and then.

Here are a couple of pictures of Andrew at work with me before Mommy and Me.

Tomorrow is a big day for Andrew. He is getting tubes in both ears. My poor little man has had 5 ear infections since March and this last infection before Christmas was so bad that antibiotics weren't helping him. Luckily his appointment is at 6:30 am because he can't eat anything after 12 midnight. I think being the early surgery is going to help us with the fasting. I am definitely a little nervous, but very relieved to know that Andrew won't have ear pain anymore (hopefully anyways).

I can't believe Andrew is 13 months now. He is growing up so quickly and still remains to be a sweet, healthy and happy child. Transitioning to milk went very well. He is mastering the sippy cup. He doesn't drink a lot during the day with the sippy cup compared to the bottle. I am still giving him a bottle of milk after dinner. I thought that was going to end January 1st but I have been a little relaxed with it.

I will update on how tomorrow goes...please keep us in your thoughts.

1 comment:

Telena said...

Definitely praying for you guys tomorrow!! I'll say an extra one for you as I know you'll be a nervous wreck!! :) Love you!

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