Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winter Television

I realize that I am a grown up and I that I have a child, but that does not mean I am not interested in shows that the average 16 year old girl wants to watch. This winter season of television has brought me such time wasting joy. I am still into the Bachelor after I swore I would not watch it anymore. In fact Brad has completely won me over this season. I used to get annoyed that the show was so long (2 hours) but now I gladly sit curled up on my couch with my husband (who humors me with my television show taste) and watch 25 women fight for one guy for two hours. It is quite amusing. Then on Tuesday night I get excited because Teen Mom 2 is on. I started watching this a little over a year ago b/c I was pregnant and they were on the show 16 and Pregnant. I was definitely not in their shoes, but I did like to watch how other people handled pregnancy and then being a mom. I am also into Kendra and Kourtney Kardashian on E b/c they had their babies weeks apart from when I had Andrew. It is fun to see how their babies are growing up and realizing that we are all going through the same things as new moms. Also on Tuesday and again on Wednesday I watch American Idol. I can't believe it has been 10 years since the first season. There are children on the show who were 5 years old when the first season aired. I was 21! WOW!!! That makes me feel old...but not too old to quit watching my teenybopper show. Tonight I am excited b/c we have a MSU Basketball game, NBC Thursday shows, and American Idol. Owen and I already have our game plan on how we are going to watch all three in one night.

There are so many aspects of life that are stressful, not fun and overwhelming that knowing you have 2-3 hours of relaxing time at home with your husband is something that I look forward to every night (even if it is the same shows that a 16 year old would watch). :)

1 comment:

melanie said...

I love 16 and pregnant too -- and Teen mom!

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