Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A very happy day

I would not have thought yesterday would have been the happy day it was. Andrew had his ear tube surgery in the morning. We had to be at the surgery center at 6:30 am. We were there two hours and his surgery was 7 minutes long. Then we had to wait 30 minutes to make sure his vital signs were normal. Owen and I were expecting tears, crankiness, and an over all bad day. Instead we got a happy, sleepy (he slept for 4 hours during the day) and energetic baby (when he was awake). Andrew didn't cry at all at the surgery center. He woke up from the anesthesia perfectly fine. All the doctors and nurses loved him.

Here is a picture our patient before surgery.

When we got home he had breakfast and then was ready for a nap...a 3 hour nap. I didn't know what to do with my time. When he woke up we headed out for post surgery treat.

"Yummy...whip cream"

trying out a straw

"sooo good"

I would say our after surgery treat was a success. I wanted to see how he would do with a straw and having strawberry milkshake to work for was good motivation!

Overall...a very happy day at the Munton home.


Telena said...

So glad everything went well! You look good to be up and at the surgery center at 6:30 a.m.!!! :)
Love you!

The Campbells said...

Yea! So glad he did well and that you did ok too! :-) How did he like the milkshake??

Amanda said...

I agree that you look outstanding for 6:30am! So glad he is feeling better!

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