Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010 has been an exciting one for us. Andrew dressed up as a sailor and was the cutest one around if I say so myself.

First we had our Mommy and Me class party. The mommies brought snacks and we enjoyed dress up time, songs, dancing, and visiting. It was a great party.

our mommy and me class

Andrew and Brantley

Then on Thursday Amanda, Owen and I took the babies to the ZooBoo at the Hattiesburg Zoo. They may have been a little young this year, but we took advantage of the carousel. Andrew was unsure at first but then really got into it.

Friday was Andrew's school's costume parade. They had the babies in wagons and strolled them around. It was really a cute idea.

On Saturday we went to Starkville for the MSU game. We had a nice time visiting with my family. Here is Andrew in his skeleton outfit before the game. We wanted to be festive for Halloween.


1 comment:

Telena said...

Love the sailor outfit!!! Super cute! I can't believe he's 11 months old either, time flies.

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