Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So much for not wanting to take Px medicine

Friday night date came and went with me sniffling through the entire meal. It was nice to get out and Andrew's Grandy and Gramps loved watching him. Saturday came and went with one outing and more sniffling...maybe even a little crankiness from yours truly. Then came Sunday morning...around 3 am. I woke up freezing and shaking. I took my temperature and I had a fever. I took some Tylenol and shivered myself to sleep. Then I woke up around 7 am (yes...my sweet Andrew slept until 7 am on Sunday and on Saturday...we have ourselves a very good sleeper) and my temperature was 102! Ouch!!! Then I realized I have mastitis again. So I called my OB and they called in a prescription for me. This is the 2nd time I have it with fever and it knocks me down. For 14 hours on Sunday I had a 102 fever or higher. I could not break the fever. I am now on an antibiotic for the mastitis and I still have my head cold. Good grief! I also understand why moms don't really get sick or take a sick day...their babies need them too much. Owen stepped up to the plate and let me have Sunday to lay in bed while I suffered with my fever. I took Monday off to regain my strength. I am back at work feeling better, but not perfect. I have come to realize that feeling perfect may not happen. I just need to feel good enough to keep going with my day.

I am looking forward to next week, specifically Wednesday because Andrew and I start Mommy and Me classes. I can't wait to have bonding time with him.

Here is a picture of him from last night. He falls asleep like this all the time. It is so funny b/c it looks like he has a question. Excuse all the patterns in the picture, because there are a lot of them.


melanie said...

Not gain you poor thing! Hope you are feeling better. So amazed at how different Andrew looks in the pic. He no longer has that "newborn" look.... can't believe how much he has grown. What a cutie!

melanie said...

P.S. -- again not gain : ) LOL

Georgette said...

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. It sucks having a new born and being sick, it is nice to have such a good hubby though, I know.

The Campbells said...

Oh no! Hope you're feeling better soon!

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