Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2 months

2 months ago today I had known my baby for an hour and 17 minutes. Time really does go by quickly. This Monday I will be dropping my baby off at day care and assume the role of a working mom. My feelings are very mixed. I am sad mostly. His smiles make my heart melt and coos are the sweetest sound. I love being the one who consoles him when he is fussy and love being the one who sees him discover things for the first time. Of course his smiles and coos will always make my heart melt, but being at home with him has been a dream. I pray that dreams become a reality one day.

Here are his 2 month pictures. He is such a big boy. He wears 6 month clothes already. He still fits in 3-6 months, but he is more on the 6 month size. So cute with his chubby cheeks.

Andrew taking a nap...


melanie said...

What a cutie! Happy 2 months Andrew!

The Campbells said...

Haven't these 2 months flown by? It seems like just yesterday I was seeing Caroline for the 1st time--but at the same time, I have a hard time remembering what it was like before her. Happy 2 month b-day, Andrew (just a couple days late)! I'll be thinking of you on Monday. :-(

Fr. Rust said...

He's a bruiser!

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