Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quiet Week

I can't believe it has been a week or so since my last post. I guess things are quiet around the Munton house.

I got a manicure/pedicure on Saturday. I think the pedicure actually helped some of the swelling in my feet. I thought it would be easy to get this done on a Saturday morning...but I was wrong. The first place I went to b/c I had a gift certificate told me I had to make an appointment. Please note, I went to a nail salon in a strip mall...that has on its door, "Walk ins Welcome" and I was there right when they opened. So I decided to try another place. They were also busy, but let me sit in a pedicure chair and soak my feet. It was very relaxing and even though I had to wait 30 minutes for my pedicure, I did not care.

The rest of the day was pretty relaxing as well. We watched the MSU game on TV. It was a good game...alot of ups and downs...but we were competitive and I was happy about that.

Sunday...I wore myself out! I went to church and then decided to go to Wal-mart. I actually over did it at Wal-mart. I am at that stage of pregnancy where simple chores aren't so simple. I came home and decided to push the limits even more by vacuuming and doing laundry. If that wasn't bad enough I had the urge to wrap all of the Christmas presents I had bought so far. If I haven't told you...I have a goal of getting all of my Christmas shopping and wrapping completed by Thanksgiving. I am well on my way to accomplishing that goal. Needless to say all the activity on Sunday made me very tired and I was in bed by 8 pm. I even missed Desperate Housewives b/c I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Today will be an active day. Owen has to get a wisdom tooth out at 2:15 pm today. He is not happy about this, but it is swollen and needs to come out. In fact the oral surgeon said it needed to come out 15 years ago. Poor Owen will not have a fun Halloween this year.

Hope you all are having a good week.

Love Erin

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