Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday 10/5/09

Yesterday I took the day off from work. Since I am getting closer to my due date my boss thought it would be a good idea to take Monday off so the person who will be filling in for me can get more practice. I of course loved this idea. I was lazy in the morning and then went shopping in the afternoon. I can't believe I am admitting this, but I actually wore myself out shopping at the mall. I really wasn't even gone that long, but I got so tired. Yesterday was the first day I actually felt too big to be wondering (correction waddling) the mall. How sad is that??? I did try to push through the uncomfortableness and went to a few more stores. It is good to walk. I have been trying to take Ralphie on mile long walks just to keep my blood flowing. I am not in the best shape of my life, but I don't want to be completely helpless when I give birth to Andrew.

My sweet tooth hasn't gone away. I thought it had for a week or two, but over the weekend it came back in full force...:( I am telling myself it is ok to give into my ice cream cravings now, but that it will and I do mean it will come to end when Andrew is here.

Andrew's room is almost finished. We are waiting on his bedding and some cubicles we ordered. I have been meaning to take pictures of phase 3 and hope to do that tonight so I can show you all the progress. Owen and I are so proud of his room.

Hope you all had a nice Monday and a good start to the week.

1 comment:

Georgette said...

Enjoy the ice cream while you have an excuse! Give yourself a break, you deserve it.

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