Monday, March 2, 2009

The Moldunes go to Jackson

Owen and I think that we live in our own little bubble sometimes, so we have coined our travel name the Moldunes (Norm and Erlene to be exact), because every small exursion ends up being an ordeal and we usually have a fun story to go along with it. This weekend was no different. Owen is the market for a new car. He wanted to leave his truck lifestyle and buy a sedan. So we head to Jackson Saturday afternoon. Owen is wearing a short sleeve polo and I thought it would be a good idea to wear long shorts. I don't know why we thought this was a good idea, but at the time it was. Owen said walking Ralphie that morning he was hot. I was hot earlier in the week so didn't want to be hot test driving cars. As we are driving 80 miles north on Hwy 49 we realize that the windows feel very cold and it seems to be very windy. Once we get to Jackson, we eat lunch and then we start to notice that everyone in the resturant has on their winter wool coats, scarfs, gloves, etc...and we do not have any of those things on. In fact we were freezing. Owen and I then realized this rainy, gray, and cold day would not be fun if we did not put more cloths on. After lunch we made a detour to Stein Mart. Owen and I raced to see who could find what they needed first. I actually won this competition. I really could have used a coat. I was positive they would have coats for 75% off...but there were no coats to be found. Once we got properly dressed for the weather...we went and test drove cars. We had a great day and actually drove home in a new (well pre-owned) sedan.

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