Monday, February 2, 2009

Blog worthy??? I think so

I am sure you have started to realize that Owen and I talk about our dog quite a I think a trip to the vet is a blog worthy entry. It is especially blog worthy b/c I had to go on this trip by myself.

My precious puppy dog has been itching uncontrollably lately. I thought it was his dry skin from the winter, but Friday we noticed he ears were inflamed and he had scratched himself raw in some places. Our poor little pup was in serious pain. So we made a vet visit and learned that Ralphie has some allergies. The vet thinks it could just be something in the air, let's hope so. Right now he is on antibiotic, a steroid and has to get his ears cleaned once a day. Ralphie does not mind the medicine, but he can't stand for us to mess with his ears. He makes that very clear to us.

This is the pose that Ralphie has been in for a while now b/c he can't quit scratching...

I had to go on this vet visit by myself. I am not the Alpha parent in Ralphie's life. That is Owen. I am definitely the Beta parent or maybe even the Omega...meaning Ralphie sometimes walks over me. I am getting better though. I say this to paint a picture of an Erin and Ralphie trip in public. I get so nervous when Ralphie is around other people. I know people aren't always dog people (even people at the vet) so I understand how people would not want an 80 pound dog to sniff or maybe jump on them. However, because Ralphie did not feel well...he was somewhat controllable. That is until we had to check out and the ladies behind the desk take their time with getting your bill ready. I had Ralphie on a tight leash (a choke collar actually) and Ralphie is so dramatic that he starts coughing very loudly and gasping for air like I am being mean to him (he does this on his walks as well when he does not get his way about the direction he thinks we need to go).Well that just set in more embarrassment for me. Two hours later I was ready to go home.

This was Friday and today he is scratching less, so I am glad the medicine is working :)

Ralphie at the Vet...

Ralphie not being cooperative with me taking a picture of him in the waiting room

This is a sweet picture of him on Saturday


Telena said...

The part about him choking (or acting like it) made me laugh out loud--Harley (our dog) does the exact same thing!! Makes you feel horrible!! I don't understand why you would work at a vet and not be a dog or animal person period! Makes no sense!! Hope Ralphie feels better soon!

Claire said...

Oh, poor thing! daisy had an ear infection once and it stunk really bad...not fun! I am proud of you, Erin. I know that you were not a dog person!

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