Monday, January 7, 2013

Sam's 12 month well baby visit

I have purposely avoided writing about Sam being a year old. It is sad for me but I am happy that he is growing and we are loving the new things he can do. Some of those things are:

* Touch his nose when we ask him
* claps so happily as if he is really cheering for you
* He blows kisses and gives real kisses
* gives you high 5
* waves bye-bye

Sam is the happiest baby around. I love him to pieces. Owen and I randomly will look at Sam and just get this overwhelming feeling of love for this little boy in our lives. He is so funny. He is going to be our comedian. He loves people and likes to make you laugh. He has the BEST smile and will throw a smile at you in a heart beat.

He doesn't use a lot of words. He attempts sounds like God, Andrew, Mama, Dada and bird. He says "hey" and "bye" perfectly and appropriately.

He can climb on anything and is running circles around Owen and me. He is walking more behind his toy car that he got for his birthday. Yesterday he pushed a play tool bench all around the kitchen by walking. He will stand up on his own without holding onto anything but when he wants to move he immediately gets on his knees.

Sam has 6 teeth (4 top and 2 bottom). I think he maybe cutting some more because he has been drooling more lately.

Here are his "stats" from his 12 month doctor visit:

Length: 30.4" (66% for his age)
Head circumference:  19.3" (100% for his age)
Weight: 24 lbs (66% for his age)

He is growing really well. He is no longer on formula and I packed up the bottles this weekend. He is doing really good drinking out of a cup. And he tries anything we give him. I am giving him more meat that I did with Andrew. Andrew doesn't like meat except for hot dog so hopefully I am being a better mommy this time around with Sam and introducing things earlier.

We did discover he had an ear infection in the left ear at the appointment. We knew he had a lot of congestion and that ear had been draining but the doctor said his left ear was very soupy so Sam is now on antibodic which has cleared up the ear - thank goodness. 

Sam is into everything

Sam is so perfect to me. He is loving. He loves to sleep and doesn't really fuss about naps. He lets you cuddle him and hold him. In fact he loves to be held. He is curious. His ears perk up when he hears loud sounds or something unfamiliar. He waits for Owen to come home at night and gets so excited when he sees his daddy. Sam loves music and will dance when he wears musical sounds.

Being the second son I know much more now. I feel like I buy things differently and cuter for Sam. For example; he needs a nap mat at school. When i bought one for Andrew I analyzed for a month about his nap mat and ended up going with a basic blue and green one. But with Sam he is getting a cowboys (horses, rope, etc...). He is going to love it. I knew just what I wanted and bought it in 30 minutes. No stress!! This is just one example but I have noticed I am more confident with what I am doing. Except for last week when I felt like I was running 3 steps behind everyone BUT this is a new week and I am feeling better.

So I will end this post with how lucky I am that he is in our life.  And I am loving watching him grow up and learn knew things even if it does mean he isn't my infant son anymore!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Sam looks a lot like Owen. :) I feel like I should know more about what I'm doing since Grayson is my second, but maybe it's still early. haha :)

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