Friday, January 25, 2013

Sam at 13 Months

Someone is 13 months at our house!

It is hard to believe he is a one year old. But he is every bit of that. Sam is exploring his world with such a curious mind. Some things he is doing and some of his likes are:

* He LOVES milk and drinks it out of a cup.
* He does not love fruit unless it comes in a pouch. Definitely does NOT like bananas.
* He waves his arms in a flying motion when he is excited.
* Sam has a little bit of a temper. When you tell him no or take something away he cries a GREAT big cry with a terrifying scream. But luckily he gets over it pretty quickly.
* He loves Andrew and watches him very closely
* He loves to dance and to sway in your arms.
* He is wearing size 4 diapers and 18-24 month clothes.
* Sam goes to sleep at 6 pm and will sleep all night - usually waking up at 6 am.
* He is giving great hugs and can try to kiss you.
* Sam is good at giving 5, touching his nose with his pointer finger, and blows kisses at you.
* He can wave really good too.
* Sam is starting to talk more and more. He is good at saying Mama now. But does not do it often. He can say ball, bye, trying to say dog (will look for Ralphie when we say dog), dada, and ut oh.
* He is not walking but can stand on his own. He walks behind a push toy. He did take 3 steps this week but hasn't since then and I was the only who saw it.
* He can throw a ball
* When he wants something he will point to it and whine a little to get our attention. 

Sam is very loving and sweet. Sam plays so well by himself until he is sleepy or hungry. Then he becomes very clingy.

 We just love him so much!

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