Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sam is one month

My baby is one month old now! What?? How did that happen?? I can't believe that a month ago I was in the hospital welcoming my baby boy into the world. I love looking into his eyes. He is a very peaceful baby. He does not cry often and it is usually because he is hungry. I have been struggling with getting him on a feeding rotation. But recently I told myself to "chill out" :) I would pat myself on the back when Andrew was this little b/c I did not wish a way moment and I started feeling like I was wishing away Sam's newborn days b/c I was concerned about getting him on a schedule. Well...I don't want to wish a moment away of his life so I am taking a step back.

He is a very gassy baby so sometimes he gets fussy b/c his tummy hurts and I mistake that as being hungry. This is when the schedule does come in handy b/c I can see by the clock that he shouldn't be hungry but that something else is wrong. Basically it is a dance that I am learning all over again.

He is a big boy but seems to be very healthy - thank goodness!!

I am in love more and more everyday with my baby Sam.


The Campbells said...

Wow! How can it have been a month already?? Happy 1 Month Day, Sam!!

Telena said...

I cannot believe he is one month already! He's so precious and I think he looks a lot like his big brother!!

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