Monday, September 12, 2011

Did all of this really happen?

The last two weeks have been a blur and quite frankly not one the best two weeks of my life.

Let's start with 8/30/11 - I got a ticket for not completely stopping at a stop sign. Seriously!!! I didn't even see the cop.

Then came Thursday 9/1/11. I was so excited b/c Andrew and I were having our friends over for a sprinkler play date. I also thought the MSU game would be on tv - but it wasn't. I get off work and head to my car to realize I locked my keys in the car. So I had to wait for Owen to come and get me, we do a car switch - I pick up Andrew late and he is hysterical b/c he knows I am late. :( terrible day.

The following day Andrew gets sick - no big deal he has allergies.

Then Owen gets sick - terrible sick - no fun to be around. I don't feel great, but I don't think I feel too bad.

Wednesday 9/7/11 - I m bringing dinner (I bought dinner, did not make dinner) to a friend who had a baby. I don't want to stay long b/c I don't want to chance maybe being sick and getting them sick. I don't hug or touch baby. Then I back into their mail box. I knocked it over. I have white paint all over my car. Her sweet husband gets paint off my car and I am sweating b/c I am embarrassed and I don't want him to sense I don't feel good. Luckily sweet husband also fixes mailbox so I don't have to buy him a new one.

Thursday 8/8/11 I decide do go to doctor. I am sick! Yep, I am given a zpack and told to take the day off. So I do. I actually didn't "feel" sick so I thought I would do all sorts of chores to help me feel caught up on life - that was a failure. I became comatose and stayed in that state of mind for 3 more days.

Saturday 9/10/11 - I am getting ready and blow drying my hair. The dryer cord knocks off my newly bought foundation and it shatters. I cut my ankle and make up is all over the floor and counter. :( I wanted to sit down and cry over this.

So here I am today 9/12/11 still congestion and still feeling a little off, but I am can breath a little better and have completed my zpack so I am officially well, right? Isn't that how it works???

Seriously, what a week or two!!!


The Campbells said...

Oh no! What a week! Hope you're feeling better. At least you have our weekend to look forward to!

Julia said...

Oh no!!! Hope things have improved!!! It did all make a pretty entertaining blog post though ;)

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