Monday, June 14, 2010

We did it!

Owen and I had a breakthrough this weekend with Andrew. Last week was a rough week for me and Andrew. He didn't want to go to sleep...we he was sleepy but the moment I put him in his crib he would wake up. This was new for us b/c he used not wake up when I put him in his crib. Now that he is more aware of things or maybe he was testing me...I don't know but it has been wearing me out. Bedtime was starting to take 2 hours and that is way too long for me. I was getting frustrated and when I would pass him to Owen so I could get a break, Andrew would cry louder and harder. It was terrible. I am assuming my body had enough b/c I woke up yesterday feeling exhausted. I had a headache and just couldn't start the day. After breakfast Andrew started to get sleepy for his morning nap. I went upstairs and we rocked and sang until he feel asleep in my arms. I put him his crib and he started yelling, screaming, etc...I just did not have the energy to sit up there with him b/c I needed a nap myself. I knew Andrew was tired so I just left the room. I told Owen I couldn't stay up there with him because I was exhausted. He told me to go to our room and shut the door so I didn't hear Andrew screaming. I did just that but had to put a pillow over my head b/c I could still hear him...and then I feel asleep. I woke up an hour and a half later and went to check on Owen and Andrew. Owen said he cried for 18 minutes and then feel asleep. Andrew took a 2 hour nap :)

After lunch...I again felt terrible. I really think my body was shutting down from the past week. I took another nap after lunch so Owen and Andrew hung out by themselves. When Andrew got sleepy, Owen put him his crib and he only cried for 8 minutes. Another victory!!!

Last night we did our usually night time routine. I still rocked him, sang, and walked around with him until he feel asleep on my shoulder. This took about 30 minutes). Then I put him his crib and like clockwork he cried and screamed. I told him good night and kissed him. He cried for 14 minutes and didn't wake up until 6:30 am...I think we are onto something. Now that I know the crying does come to an end it is much "easier" to let Andrew cry it out. He needs his sleep and I am finally fostering that.


The Campbells said...

So glad he's finally getting to sleep and that you're not worn out at night! I know it's so hard to listen to them cry. Poor Caroline has been waking up with gas since we've started baby food. She's not fully awake but crying pitifully. I give her Mylicon, pat her on the back, and she usually falls back asleep pretty easily. It's hard to figure out these little ones!

melanie said...

CONGRATS! I think we may be working our way up to that, I hope I have your strength to follow through!

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