Thursday, June 10, 2010

6 months, 2 doctor visits, 3 cancelations, and 2 rescheduled...

That sums up the past 10 days for me. We have had quite the start to Andrew's 6 months of life.

We had his 6 month well baby doctor's appointment on 6/3/10 - his actual 6 month birthday. At the visit we were told he is a healthy baby boy. Great news to hear.

Here he is at 6 months!

Andrew weighs: 18 lbs and 8 oz (70th percentile)
He is 27 1/4 inches long
His head circumference is 17 5/8 inches

Facts about Andrew at 6 months
* He is sitting up on his own
* He has become very clingy to mommy
* He is staying "da" and we are teaching him that "da" means daddy and that daddy is Owen. We can tell his mind is trying to comprehend that
* He likes his high chair
* His laugh is louder and funnier
* He has found his communication cry and will cry in a different way when he is tired of something or wants to try something new
* He LOVES things that make noise...especially piano toys
* We do not have a good night time routine, meaning he does not fall asleep on his own. I am failing in this department and working hard to change that
* He spins to move places and it is effective...he will cry when he doesn't move fast enough or when he feels frustrated about not being able to move
* He ate peas for the first time. His face was priceless during his first bite, but got the hang of it and enjoyed them

I know there are more highlights, but I am brain dead right now. Why, am I brain dead, b/c we have a week! When I took Andrew to the well baby visit is daycare casually mentioned to me that some of the babies had 5th disease and I should mention this to my doctor. I did mention it and was told it is a fever and nothing can be done. This was on a Thursday. Then Friday his day care called me b/c AHM had a fever. I brought him some tylenol and we all agreed it was from the shots. He acted fine on Saturday. But at 1 am on Sunday he woke up with a 101.3 fever and the rest of day he felt terrible. He was winy, sleepy, and just in general a pitiful little man. I called the on call nurse and she told me all of this had to do with his shots and if he didn't act normal on Monday to call back. Well Monday he was perfect. He was playful and no fever. He has become very clingy to me but I thought this was a phase and it still maybe. But other than being clingy, he seemed ok. On Tuesday day care called me b/c he had a fever again and he had a rash on his legs and feet. I left work to pick him up and took him to the doctor. We learned he caught the hand, foot, mouth virus (which he probably had all along). Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for this virus so he stayed home with mommy Tuesday and Wednesday. He has bounced back now, thank goodness. However b/c of all of this I have had to cancel 2 play dates and lunch with one of my best college girlfriends :( Luckily she will be coming through Hattiesburg next week so we rescheduled.

What a post! So much to write are a few more pictures...

Someone started to feel better...or maybe Ralphie can make anyone forget about their troubles :)

Ralphie went to Diva Dog yesterday so he came home with a big smile and new do?


melanie said...

OMG -- I hope Andrew is feeling better!

The Campbells said...

Oh no! So sorry Andrew was sick! :-( But so glad to hear he is finally feeling better!

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