Monday, November 2, 2009

5 weeks and counting

That's right, I am 35 weeks pregnant this week. Has time stopped? I feel like it has. Maybe that is b/c my days run together b/c I am not sleeping. The snoogle is not even working, in fact the snoogle and I are no longer friends. It is so hard to get out of bed now to go to the bathroom every hour. Yes I made sure to look at the clock ever time last night to make sure I was on an hour rotation. And I was. The snoogle takes up so much space and I have to exert so much energy getting around it at night that I am thinking of not using. Yep...I am going to do a little experiment.

I also have not taken a picture in a couple of weeks. I guess the main reason is I have forgotten, but maybe another reason is I am not sure I want proof at how large I really am. I was reminded how big I was when I was at Target on Saturday looking for new pants b/c I don't fit into my maternity pants anymore. Well I fit into them, but they aren't comfortable and I want to be comfortable.

Owen's wisdom tooth surgery went well on Thursday. I am glad he had it done. The healing process is going as well as it can. He still hurts and he knows something is missing in his mouth, which is an odd feeling for him. The doctor told him to eat real food by Saturday. He eased into that but by Sunday he ate two real meals. I am not sure how well he enjoyed the real food...but he at least tried.

Maybe I will get a pregnancy picture up soon. It wouldn't be right for me to quick my documentation towards the end.

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