Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sinus surgery

We have so much going on in our lives. But I've been sick all summer with sinus problems. 

I finally scheduled sinus surgery and had it yesterday. 

I was extremely nervous. And want to document my feelings.
Day of was very nerve racking. My blood pressure was sky high when they took it at the surgery center. Nurses were alarmed. That has never happened for me. 

Owen and I have fabulous friends. They have scduled meals for us all week. Owens mom has helped with the boys too. I didn't want to do this surgery because I didn't know how the boys would manage without me. But it takes a village and I learn that every day. 

The boys reactions have been so different. Andrew cried seeing me. Said he didn't want to see me like this. Sam checks on me a lot. I love them so much and am ready to be well for them. 

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