Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sam's 3rd new tooth

The right tooth was broken badly. It had a fracture on the back as well so the crown is not sticking. We have lost 2 crowns and went this morning for the 3rd crown. If this one falls out, the dentist will remove his teeth.

That is bad news but it gets worse. We have to take beck away. Beck is Sam's blanket that he sleeps with, he loves it, and it is his comfort. I cried in the car for 10 minutes about this. Sam cried all the way to school because he heard the dentist say he needs to not have it. The reason is it is a tag blanket and he sucks on the tags. The sucking is not the reason the crowns are falling out, but it is not helping the situation.

So...when I pick up the boys I am going to get Andrew first. Talk to Andrew about Sam not having beck and that we are going to replace beck with a new stuffed animal that is soft but that can not be sucked. Out with the old and in with the new - sort to speak. I pray this works. Sam is the BEST sleeper b/c he has the comfort of his beck. Getting rid of it is causing a lot of unknowns for me and my anxiety level is pretty high.

 Here is Sam as happy as can be waiting for the dentist. He did not handle this crown as well as he did on Monday. He fussed and fought the whole time. This week has broken my heart so many times.

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