Monday, May 6, 2013

Sam at 16 months

Playing at the Park

Sam at Mommy and Me

This is a new thing - he wants to climb on the chairs

He has the best facial expressions
It is hard to believe that Sam is now 16 months. I am a week late in posting because I have been dragging lately. I haven't felt all that great and it has been hard to bounce back for some reason. But I can't miss a monthly post on my sweet Sam :)

He is 24 lbs. We went to the doctor last week b/c he had a stomach virus and I wanted to make sure his ears were ok. He had the stomach virus for 4 days (reason I haven't felt good). But he is good now and back to his charming self.

Speaking of being a charmer :)...Sam has a temper when he doesn't get what he wants. He cries the loudest of screams and goes to a corner to show his disappointment. Sometimes he lays downs and kicks his legs. I am trying to ignore this behavior. My first reaction is to laugh b/c it is so dramatic but I don't. He also hits when he gets frustrated. You can tell he doesn't know how to express his feelings in any other way. We are hoping this passes soon.

His vocabulary is getting better by the day. He has perfected "Mommie" He says it so funny.
"RaRa" is still Ralphie, he also can dog (every animal is still a dog), book, mine, shoe, ball, hello, hi, bye-bye, car, eye, da (for dad), still trying to say Andrew. Those are the words I can think of right now.

He can point to his hair, eye, ear, nose, & mouth. He likes to point to your eye as well. He likes nose kisses and gives great hugs.

Sam is still going to sleep around 6:15 pm. And he wakes up once a night. In fact when he doesn't wake up it is a big bonus for me. I think I am extra tired b/c of this. I don't go straight to sleep so I am up for an hour or so winding back down.

I think Sam is going to test us in every aspect of life. Andrew accepted rules and boundaries. Sam hears you and does the opposite with a smile on his face. But his smile is so cute that he usually gets away with it. This is bad and I am not consistent with Sam which is going to backfire on me. I know this but as mentioned earlier - I am tired!

Sam still loves music. He dances when he hears it. You can tell he is drawn to it.

He has the best facial expressions. He is so animated. I love it!

This little boy has me wrapped around his little finger. I love him. He is a great snuggle baby and he loves his momma! My wish come true.

1 comment:

The Campbells said...

Cutie pie!! And that whale shirt looks familiar! :-)

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