Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sam's 9 month check up

This is Sam waiting for the doctor today at his 9 month check up. It went well...he is a trooper. It was his nap time so he was a little fussy but nothing this momma couldn't handle. :)

I look forward to the well baby check ups b/c I like to see how much he has grown. And growing is what Sam has been doing. He grew 2 inches in 3 months and his head grew 2 more centimeters. And he gained one pound! Not bad for our little guy!

Weight is 20 lb and 10 oz = 62%
Height is 29.38" = 83%
Head Circumference is 47.6 centimeters = 98%

Sam's doctor went ahead and prescribed Zyrtec for Sam to help his congestion clear up. The antibiotic helped a little by changing the color of his mucus back to clear but it didn't dry him up so we are trying this - just like his brother and daddy.

I learned something at this appointment that I didn't know which is Sam can have milk products like yogurt and cheese. He can also have the entire egg now. Basically anything except honey! This is good news b/c I can give Sam yogurt to help put back some good bacteria in his body. He is still fighting mouth thrush! He had gotten rid of it but with this last antibodic it came back quick - ugg!

Other news is we need to up the amount of food we give Sam. Luckily he actually likes food now. This is a major change in the last couple of weeks.

Sam is now army crawling and he does not want to sit still anymore. He also move to the sitting position from laying down.

We think his first official word is "hey" and he says it when he waves. It is the cutest thing.

Overall a very good appointment. He even got his flu shot today! Now, I guess I need to get mine.

Two more pictures of Sam :) These were taken yesterday at Mommy and Me.

This is a picture of all the boys in Sam's class
L to R
Elijah, Sam, Thomas and Steven

1 comment:

Granny Debbie said...

Thank you for sharing your boys with your friends! They are just so cute and I hope to see them sometime this year!
Much love,
Dr. Debbie

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