Thursday, May 31, 2012

YAY Samuel

Lately Sam has been only sleeping 4 hour stretches at night. At first he was a champion sleeper. But since that first ear infection a month or so ago he hasn't been sleeping well. He goes to sleep perfectly but would wake up at 9 and then again around 2 am. Owen mentioned he may need to eat more during the day. I couldn't figure out if that would be the cause or if he was still not feeling well. He has been congested all week so in my mind I thought his ears were still bothering him.

Yesterday I decided to give him a bottle when we got home and then feed him again while he went to sleep. He drank 4 ounces, took a bath, and then I nursed him. Sam did not fall asleep while nursing. In fact I put him in his crib wide eyed and smiling. He did not fuss at all and lulled himself to sleep. THEN he slept from 7 pm until 3 am! YAY Samuel!!! This mommy was so happy about that. I nursed him at 3 and then he went back to sleep until 5:30 am.

Last night was such a success! Today I put 8 ounces in the 3 bottles he takes at day care. I had been putting 6 ounces but want to see if the increase in calories will give us a second night of great sleeping!

I am so proud of Sam. So happy he can be lay down in his crib awake and then fall asleep on his own. This little boy is just such a joy! How we got lucky to have him as our son - I will never know - but am forever grateful.

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