Friday, May 11, 2012

I want to be heard

When I pick the boys up from school I like to ask their teachers how their day went. Andrew is usually on the playground so I don't get any stories from his teachers. But Sam's teacher, Ms. Patsy told me yesterday that he had a good day. And that he had a couple of moments when he wanted to make sure everyone in the room knew we has there and that he wanted some attention. I thought this was so funny. He is not like at home. I think the other babies in his class cry a lot so I guess Sam needed to step up the crying meter too. He will do that at home. When Andrew is upset, Sam will start to cry too. Then will stop the moment Andrew is better.

Yesterday was a draining day for me at work. When I picked the boys up they had their school picture proofs. Here is Sam's...I have giggled over these pictures so many times. It made my draining day disappear because this child and Andrew make my life so much more than silliness at work.

(apparently you can click on picture to see if better)

Sam's expression is so funny. I love him so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE THEM! The picture on the right is identical to Andrew when he was that age!! :)

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