Friday, October 7, 2011

22 Months

Andrew is 22 Months Old! I can't believe it!!!

He is a sweet kid who loves his momma :)

He is starting to put two and three words together.

He is VERY opinionated on what he wears to sleep and for the day. This is starting to become a problem. At first it was cute b/c I liked that he had an opinion but he it is becoming difficult if the shirt he wants to wear is dirty or if he just doesn't want to wear anything.

He is throwing a little more fits lately and this is catching me off guard. I can usually distract him or Owen can but that is not happening as easily as it used to. So I am trying to learn a new approach.

At Mommy and Me we talk about transition times. For example, in 5 minutes we are going to get dressed. I started this on Wednesday and it has seemed to help. He has started to really play with his toys so the transition time is helpful b/c he knows play time is about to end.

He gets shy around new people. This isn't a new characteristic but I wanted to mention it b/c he is still like this. If he knows you he will be goofy and play, but it takes him a little while to warm up to you. I guess I have noticed this more with Mommy and me b/c there are new kids and mommies in the class and Andrew doesn't like attention on him like he used to.

He will answer questions when Owen and I ask him but if someone else asks him a question (for example, what is your name?) he doesn't answer.

The only vegetables he likes are corn and lima beans. So this has become challenging in the dinner department. I think he eats more veggies at school but is picky at home.

He has had a stuffy nose this past month and is cutting two new teeth on the bottom. After these teeth, I think all we have left is the 2 year molars.

I am still not sure how Andrew will react when Sam is here. I think he likes his family dynamic of the 3 of us plus Ralphie. I am nervous about all of this.

Overall he is a happy, playful toddler. He loves being outside and playing with Ralphie. He likes a routine and if we stray from it he lets us know through an attitude change.

We love him so much and really enjoy watching him change from a baby to a big kid.

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