Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a nice weekend at home. We hung more pictures and organized the garage enough to put 2 cars in it now. That was a major goal of Owen's. I had a small anxiety attack about Andrew's and Sam's room. I really don't like the way Andrew's is set up. I loved how we had in the old house. Everything was bought and placed in the perfect spot. Now I feel like nothing fits. Then we haven't started on Sam's room and I have anxiety about that. But luckily Owen can talk me down from my nervous breakdowns and I think we have a plan. We did not do anything toward our plan...b/c the plan is in steps...but knowing there is a plan is half the battle, right?

We played outside in the sprinkler to keep cool, we went to the pool, we ran errands and had a really good time.

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