Monday, August 8, 2011

"Inspired by Love, Created by God"

Friday Owen and I found out we are having another boy! Samuel "Sam" Marshall Munton will be born on 12/27/11. I can't believe I will have two sons! I am over joyed that Andrew will have a brother. Sam was the cutest thing in the ultrasound. He was moving and twisting so much. We could see his hands moving up and down. We got so many great pictures of our little son.

There are so many emotions running through me right now. I can't wait to meet Sam. I love saying his name and hearing his name. Today Andrew went into Sam's room and saying "you are in Sam's room" melted my heart.

When we found out we were pregnant with Sam I wondered how I could love someone as much as Andrew, but the minute we Sam squirming around on the ultrasound screen - I knew. Your heart really does grow and I knew he was going to be my baby and I am one lucky lady to have all these men in my life.

20 weeks to go until we bring Sam into this world - What a wonderful Christmas this year will be.


Telena said...

So, so excited for y'all! Your post made me teary eyed! I love his name!

The Campbells said...

:-) I've thought about that too. Your heart is so full with love for your 1st one. I've heard that your love multiples instead of divides. We both know that December babies make the Christmas season even more wonderful!

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